KVK, Banavasi situated in the Yemmiganur mandal of Kurnool District. It's operational area is in the Western parts of the 25 mandals in Kurnool district. The operational area is predominant in red soils under rainfed agriculture. The major crops sown are cotton, castor and groundnut. Among the horticulture crops predominant are onion, tomato and chilli.
This application provides complete information on Animal Husbandry.
KVK,Banavasi位于Kurnool区的Yemmiganur mandal。它的作战区域位于Kurnool区的25个西部的西部。雨养农业下的红壤中作业区占主导地位。播种的主要作物是棉花,蓖麻和花生。在园艺作物中,主要是洋葱,番茄和辣椒。